Media Coverage
Renting clearance machines, as GCS has achieved with valued partner Danish Church Aid, accelerates the pace of demining in Ukraine
State Emergency Service of Ukraine video demonstrates speed and effectiveness of Swiss humanitarian demining package announced at Mine Action Conference
GCS appear in the newest edition of Mine Action Weekly, the industry newsletter with all the most important global updates for Mine Action
Hellenic Air Force General Staff met with Area Sales Manager Laurent Stemmler and GCS Symlab founder Georg Stirnimann this week
The training programme, offering hands-on experience with our own demining platforms and drone technology included mine action training coupled with specialist medical training for demining
Drones, demining platforms and decades of experience combine to power safe, efficient demining in Kyiv region in in-depth feature for DW Media
The ultimate objective of the course, organised by the Ukraine Ministry of Economy with the UNDP and support from the Swedish government is to provide employment opportunities for veterans through mine action efforts
The course, which allows veterans to re-direct their skills & determination to create safe environments for fellow Ukrainians now & in the future, is funded by the Swedish government
The sharing of mutual expertise, technological know-how and operational skill sets is not only about acquiring new professional skills but also about understanding the value and mission of a veteran
German national foreign news broadcaster Deutsche Welle highlights panel session fostering knowledge and expertise-sharing between nations
Mine action sector’s newsletter features coverage of last week’s Kyiv forum with panel discussions on strategic planning for 2025
Wirtschaft im Südwesten looks at regional industrial players and discusses the future for technological applications and innovation [article in German]
Our GCS-200 not only featured in the hard-hitting report from Swiss Italian-speaking national news channel Radiotelevisione Svizzera (RSI), but our solution-oriented approach was the focus of Höfner Volksblatt's front-page feature
The area close to the Buchanka river is now free from landmines and other explosive remnants of war, thanks to Nataliya Kolodyazhna and her colleagues
While education programmes are crucial to prevent injury, mechanical demining accelerates pace of demining, enabling local communities to rebuild their lives and livelihoods in Ukraine
With our production facility in Stockach, close to Lake Constance, GCS has strong ties with the region
The scale of the task is formidable. Nevertheless, harnessing new and existing technology in efficient partnerships demonstrates that progress can and has been made
NikVesti highlights landmines and other explosive remnants of war so far neutralised, with the extent of explosive ordnance contamination still at unprecendented levels
Newsletter provides weekly updates on Mine Action policy and progress in demining across the globe
It is imperative to invest now, not only in machines but also in human capital, says von Michaelis. GCS aims to clear up to half of Ukraine’s mined landmass
Ihor Bezkaravainyi thanks the Swiss for their support and praises the safety of our mechanical demining platforms
Cooperation at national and international level helps ensure maximum efficiency and effectiveness on the ground
Donors the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and operator recipients The State Emergency Service of Ukraine were also present with GCS Ukraine General Manager Dmytro Salimonov
Package includes expert operator training and service and maintenance package across the three year span of the project
The symbolic handover of the first machine took place during the Ukraine Mine Action Conference in Lausanne
Ukrainian publication explores the differences between working in Ukraine and Germany, financing for humanitarian demining, efficiency and the importance of safety in our industry
This week, our presence at the Ukraine Mine Action Conference is highlighted, where the Swiss Confederation confirmed their donation of three GCS-200 demining machines
Remote-controlled mechanical demining platforms are safer and more efficient, representing signficant value for money in the mission to demine Ukraine
Our own cutting-edge, remote-controlled demining technology’s capabilities summarised in Ukraine newspaper New Voice with video reports from Donetsk and Mykolaiv regions
Meeting with GCS CEO and co-founder Philipp Von Michaelis and GCS Ukraine General Manager Dmytro Salimonov, Head of the Kyiv Regional Military Administration Ruslan Kravchenko highlighted the need for professional equipment to eliminate explosive threats to the local population
SESU currently operate twelve GCS demining platforms across Ukraine. In Donetsk, more than 64,000 square metres have been surveyed by SESU units
The SESU operator demonstrates the versatility and safety of our remote-controlled demining platform
Meduza is a Russian news outlet dedicated to providing verified, unbiased information about Russia and the former Soviet Union. Image credit: Pierre Crom / Getty Images
As a result of the work, an area of 10.44 hectares was inspected and 29 explosive threats were located and destroyed
National Police of Ukraine were able to neutralise explosive threats in local residents’ homes in Borova and restore essential services, including water supply in Izyum
Association of Sustainable Development Experts (ASDE)'s International Sustainability Forum will take place in Kyiv and the Hague as well as online on 24th and 25th October
The presentation by Rémi Duflot, Chargé d’affaires a.i. of the EU Delegation to Ukraine was also covered in EU Neighbours East and Insight EU monitoring
Package funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) includes our own technology as well as training for operators, risk awareness training for civilians and Service & Maintenance support
As reported in the Odessa journal, Ukraine’s State Special Transport Service received our demining machines as part of a humanitarian package funded by the US and Canadian governments
GCS mechanical demining solutions bring faster, more secure technology to restore food security for Ukraine and the global market
GCS features in Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine publication with handover ceremony for humanitarian package from USA
Article by Army Recognition highlights the city’s contribution with the “Pact for Solidarity and Future” and partly funded by donations from Hamburg’s local population
As a pioneer in the sector, GCS is proud to enable the citizens of Hamburg to support Ukraine in creating safe environments, saving lives and restoring conditions for economic recovery. Article and video in German
The report on Ministry of Defence’s Facebook page shows the great team spirit of participants, who were keen to gain from our trainers’ valuable experience and expertise
Our state-of-the-art mechanical demining platforms are creating conditions for recovery in Ukraine
ZDF report on demining activties with NIBULON and GCS in Ukraine, supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
Donation originated from the German Federal Police; ceremony was attended by National Police of Ukraine, Ministry of Interior and the Chargé d'Affaires of the Federal Republic of Germany in Ukraine
Mine Action Weekly is an informative round-up of the most important global updates from the mine action sector
NIBULON is the leader in the grain export market in Ukraine and the owner of the country’s largest fleet. The company operates locally while solving global problems.
Mechanical demining is faster & safer at creating safe environments for civilians, restoring livelihoods & communities shattered by war
Last month, Sales Manager Laurent Stemmler met Thierry Jacolet, deputy head of Swiss and international news at Fribourg’s La Liberté newspaper at the World Defense Show in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Latest figures show governments and donors have committed to funding seventy GCS-200 machines by 2025
Specialists of NIBULON's demining department completed another practical training from Global Clearance Solutions and improved their skills in operating the GCS-200 machine.
"In December last year, there were 26 certified operators in Ukraine. As of now, we have 29 operators. So our capabilities are increasing. Today we are working to improve, digitalise and speed up the certification process", Svyrydenko added
GCS are proud that our GCS-200 platforms “have established themselves as a reliable and effective demining tool”
Latest updates from the mine action sector around the globe include key project funded by BMZ, KfW and DEG Impulse