Provincial Explosive Awareness and Reporting training adapts to all circumstances — GCS

Provincial Explosive Awareness and Reporting training adapts to all circumstances

Innovative solutions at Global Clearance Solutions (GCS) means technological excellence, but also our specialist experts applying decades of experience to the specific local environment and conditions on the ground. 

Recently, our Provincial Explosive Awareness and Reporting (PEAR) teams -comprising international demining experts and local capacity fostered by GCS Ukraine - have overcome challenges including limited electricity and destroyed municipality buildings, instead training general practice medical staff in makeshift clinics and basement air raid shelters. Dedicated participants including village community leaders arrived by the only means of transport available in some regions: bicycle.

These projects, which have trained over 700 key workers and municipal leaders to date, including over 250 women, are supported by DEG Impulse as part of the develoPPP programme with funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
